Filling cream

1/2 pint Milk
3 oz Sugar
4 Egg Yolks
1 Vanilla pod (or essence)
Put the milk and sugar into a saucepan and let it get hot over a low heat.
Beat the egg yolks, gradually adding the sweetened milk and flavour with vanilla pod.
Put the mixture into a jug and place this jug in a saucepan of boiling water.
Stir the contents with a wooden spoon one way until the mixture thickens, but do not allow it to boil or it will be full of lumps than remove from the heat.
Pour the cream into an oiled mould and put it in a cool place to set.
Chocolate cream:
¼ cake chocolate grated
½ cup milk
Yolk 1 egg
1 cup sugar
1 teaspoon extract vanilla.
Boil sugar, chocolate, and milk till thickened, add egg yolk, cook two minutes; take from fire, add vanilla.
Method 2:
add 2 tbsp of cocoa powder while the vanilla cream (see recipe above) is still warm and stir till the powder as coloured all the cream
Nut Cream
¼ lb almonds blanched and minced
¼ lb English walnuts
½ lb pecans
½ wine glass of brandy or sherry
1 quart double cream
1½ cups sugar
½ cup milk
Dissolve sugar in milk When cool add the whipped cream, flavor with one teaspoon vanilla and fold in nuts When it begins to freeze add sherry or brandy Sherry and brandy can be left out if desired
Make those recipes more aphrodisiac, flavouring with other aphrodisiac ingredient like honey, ginger, coconut, truffle, saffron and other kind of this stuff.
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